CBD- More than Meets the Eye
Posted by Matt Frank on 4th Jun 2022

CBD, produced from the Industrial Hemp plant (or if you purchase from a dispensary, derived from the Marijuana plant) has seen a surge in the consumer marketplace like never before! By 2025, it is estimated that 10% of all Americans will be using CBD products!
But why does some CBD work and others don't?
Why are the prices so vastly different?
And how can CBD help me?
Why Some CBD Doesn't Work...
When CBD started to go mainstream there were thousands of companies that jumped in feet first. Even some of the largest companies in the world like Pepsico are in the process of producing CBD infused drinks!
The CBD craze hasn't stopped there, MLM's (Multi-Level Marketing) companies have sprung up selling over-priced, underwhelming products as well.
How do you know what's going to work and what's not? And why do some just do nothing?
To answer that, we have to look into CBD's production as well as its use/delivery method. If you are looking for a scientific deep dive, this article is not for you. This is based solely on our experiences in the industry.
CBD can be incredibly effective for people when they use the correct delivery method combined with the right formulation for their needs. Too many companies focus on just using CBD isolate which is cheap to make, fast to get to market, and can bring a huge profit. However, like Kratom and Kava, CBD comes from a whole plant. That plant has thousands of compounds present that all contribute to the effects in the body. Strip out everything but the CBD and you wind up with a product that's not nearly as effective as the entire plant could be.
That is why the vast majority of our CBD products use a Full Spectrum CBD extract that contains many of the other beneficial compounds and micro cannabinoids. This also means that it will contain minute levels of THC below the Federally legal 0.3% Delta-9 THC. So those of you who cannot have any THC in their bodies should only work with Isolate (THC-Free) products.
Why are Prices so Different?
In most industries, consumers know you "get what you pay for ''. That means the cheapest product is usually the lowest quality. Where CBD varies from this model has everything to do with the location of the product’s sale. Most of the time, the lowest quality CBD products are found in grocery stores, convenience stores, some head shops, and other mass marketed locations.
The prices may vary wildly but the higher priced items do not denote a better quality. To avoid starting with ineffective CBD, look for brands that have been around for some time, those that are established, have numerous reviews, and choose the right CBD for the job. Here at Laughing Lion Herbs we carry a variety of brand name CBD products as well as working on our own in-house formulations.
One such brand that we highly recommend is Medterra. Their CBD gummies are our best selling CBD product we carry! Designed to aid with energy, calm, or sleep, these gummies will absolutely have you coming back for them time and time again!
We also carry the original CBD brand, Charlotte’s Web. This company pioneered what we now call the modern CBD product. In an effort to help little Charlotte with her seizures, these amazing folks got together and created one of the best selling, strongest CBD lineups in the country!
Other brands like CBD-FX, Hawaiian’s Choice, Cheech’s CBD Stash, and Rare Cannabinoid Company are just a few brands that we carry because we know they work!